Q. How long have you been in existence?
A: Our family was born on August 12, 2011.
Q. Are your members male or female, how many members do you have, and what cities do you currently have Chapters you in?
A: Our founding DFW chapter is a Coed family that is not about numbers; however future 5SR chapters may be Coed, all male or all female; our focus is not on the gender or race of the members of our family, our primary focus for the growth of our family will always be about the Quality and Committment of our family members, and their ability and willingness to Embrace the 5-Star Riderz Vision and Rep our SWAGG!
Q. Do you have permission to be a club from the Dominant?
A: Our founding chapter is approved in our local MC Community, and we are a member of The DFW Chain. Approval will also be sought and received for each new chapter prior to them being allowed to wear a hard patch. (vest with 5-Star Riderz patch)
Q. On the MC side of the Motorcycle Community, the Value Proposition is Bikes, Riding and Brotherhood; what is the 5-Star Riderz Value Proposition?
A. Our Value Proposition is Family, Motorcycle Community, and the Communities that we Live and Ride in; riding is something we do as oftern as possible, so it is in our DNA!
Q; What exactly is this SWAGG thing?
A. SWAGG is an acronym that stands for Strength, Wisdom, Acknowledge God's Grace; it is the foundation of our family, and we will always Rep our SWAGG Proudly!
Q: Do you have a Prospecting period, and if so how long is it?
A: Yes we do; it is a mininum 6 months but it all depends on the individual Prospect, and the first year of membership is probationary.
Q. Do you follow Protocol?
A: Yes we do as it governs our family; however we educate our members on ALL aspects of Protocol, and we require them to know basic Motorcycle History and Traditions of the MC side.
Q. What is a MSC?
A: In the Motorcycle Culture, MSC stands for Motor Sports Club, and it is a non-traditional club with multiple divisions. We have a MC Division (Motorcycle Class) and currently an SC (Support Class) reserved for those with the desire to learn to ride and members who may no longer be able to ride due to age or injury, and in the future we hope to add a Racing Division, but to the 5-Star Riderz family MSC stands for Motorcycle and Starz Collective, because we are a family of individual STARZ who because of our shared passion for riding form a constellation created to shine bright and make a positive impact within the Motorcycle Community and the Communities that we live.
Q.Can Females hold office in your organization?
A. Yes and No; a Female can hold the office of President; however we do not recommend it, and there may be certain regions where we have a chapter that it may not be feasible, but a femaile may be President in all areas where it it is acceptable, but more importantly as long as the candidate for this office is qualified for the position by reflecting an indepth understanding of the Motorcycle Culture History and Traditions, possesses excellent leadership, people, and communication skills, and consistently displays the ability to handle themselves diplomatically within the Motorcycle Community; gender is not an issue; however we will never have a female Sergeant At Arms in a Coed chapter, and the top two chapter positions ture is male dominated, so out of respect, inorder to avoid a female family member of our family being disrespected or placed in harm's way, and to promote proper protocol in interactions with all type of clubs, the position of Sergeant at Arms will always be held by a male in all Coed Chapter, and in one of the top two chapter positions of President or Vice President.
Q. What type of Motorcycles do you ride and what type of riding do you do?
A: We have Sport bikes and Cruisers in our family; our motto is it doesn't matter what you ride, as long as you ride it, ride it safely, and can keep up in the formation. We have members who like to ride inner city, next city and out of state; we ride whenever we have the opportunity. Our family members have various schedules, and some are military, so getting all of us together at one time is rare, but to enjoy 2-wheel wind therapy only requires you, the bike, gas, and open road, so we pursue our riding passion as often as possible!
Q: Do you pay dues and does your club have rules?
A. Yes we pay monthly dues, they are used to cover operational expenses for out family, reduce travel and event costs for our members, and other benefit programs for our family. Yes, we are governed by 10 very simple CODE OF CONDUCT guidelines that are meant not to restrict our family members but to set bounderies that maintain our harmony, our family environment, and pursue our desire to maintain a peaceful coexistance within the Motorcycle Community.
Q: How do I learn more about your family?
A: Interested individuals can contact us on our Website, via email or on Facebook, but the best way to get to know us is to meet us in person and ride with us!
FAQ about the 5-Star Riderz Family
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